Mori no Beer Garden @Jingu Gaien
東京都新宿区霞ヶ丘町14-13 神宮外苑児童遊園内
男性 | 4,200円 会場払い |
女性 | 3,900円 会場払い |
pay at the door |
all you can eat BBQ and all you can drink, for 2 hours
• 5 minutes walk from Shinanomachi Station (JR)
• 5 minutes walk from Kokuritsukyogijo Station (Oedo line)
• 10 minutes walk from Aoyama 1-chome station (Ginza line)
Tokyo Linux Users Group is a non-profit users group, whose members exchange information on the development and use of the Linux kernel and Free Software Foundation tools. Physical and online meetin...